View vineyard details to access comprehensive information about each vineyard block, including key growth stages, chemistry, and estimated tonnage.
Learn how to use the dropdown menus and detailed views to gain a thorough understanding of your vineyard data.
Accessing Vineyard Details
To view the list of vineyard blocks in Blended, start by navigating to the Vineyard section in the dashboard. Here, you will see an overview screen displaying a list of vineyard blocks.
By clicking any of the vineyard or blocks, for example Acorn Ranch or (667) in the image above, you will be presented with the parent vineyard's or block's details.
Vineyard Details View
On the Vineyard Details screen, you can view comprehensive information about a specific vineyard and any associated blocks. Location information such as the name, state, county, AVA, and estate are editable as well as any Tags that you may have chosen.
You can use the tab, such as 667, 777, and Pommar in the example image above, to toggle between different block details views, which present an extra level of information.
Block Details
The Block Details screen displays detailed information and measurements for specific vineyard blocks, such as the name, variety, clone, year-specific details, est. yield, harvest date, number of wines, clusters per vine, cluster weight and drop weight.
Block Details Charts
You will see graphs for any measurements that you are capturing within your Blocks. Some standard examples are below but you can also specify additional types of analysis.
Brix: Sugar content of the grapes.
pH: Acidity level of the grapes.
TA (Total Acidity): Measurement of the grape's total acidity.
Malic acid: Level of malic acid in the grapes.
To edit vineyard information at both the parent vineyard and block-specific levels, there is an Edit button located at the bottom right of the details section of each view. You can use this button to update the described vineyard data as well as block information and measurements.
Frequently Asked Questions
To edit details of a vineyard or block, click the Edit button located at the bottom right of the details section.
Graphs for measurements like Brix, pH, TA, and Malic acid are displayed below the details section of a vineyard block's page.
AVA stands for American Viticultural Area. It is a designated wine grape-growing region in the U.S. with specific geographic features.
To view the history of a vineyard or block, use the tabs at the top of the Vineyard Overview screen, such as Growth, Chemistry, Tonnage, or Harvest.