This guide explains the Pressing operation modal within Blended.
Using the Press Operation
Select Press in the Operations Dropdown
Check the lot where you want to record a pressing operation via the checkbox in the left. Click the Operations drop-down at the top of the page, and click Press.
Complete Press Modal
In the Press Operation dialog, you'll see information about the selected lot, including the lot name, current volume, and vessels in use.
During Pressing, Blended will record the volume from one or more press cuts. Enter the volume for the portions of the press and where you'd like that volume to go.
Sections for Free run and Press cut 1: Use the trash icon or plus icon to add or subtract the number of different portions from your pressing operation.
Add note button: Click this button to add any specific notes about the pressing operation.
Cancel button: Click this button to discard any changes and close the dialog.
Record button: Click this button to save the details of the pressing operations.
Frequently Asked Questions
The "Free Run" portion is only the initial volume of wine from your press operation. The name "Free Run" in the modal doesn't have any significant bearing other than to signify the first portion.
In the modal, click the note button at the bottom left to track the pressure.
If the volume is incorrect, you can correct it by selecting the lot, choosing the loss/adjustment option from the operations dropdown, and entering the correct volume.
In the press operation dialog, find the section for the press cut you want to delete and click the trash icon.