
Create and Edit Production Protocols


Blended is a Protocol-based system. It enables users to create and manage production protocols that govern the Production process. Protocols are flexible and can be tuned to your process. Using protocols effectively can help the winemaking team to stay organized and record data much faster.

In this guide, you can learn how to create new protocols, archive or duplicate existing ones, and edit them efficiently.

Locating Production Protocols

Accessing Protocols

To find production protocols in Blended, navigate to the top right corner of your screen. There, you will see a dropdown menu with the name of your winery.

Click on the dropdown menu; within it, you will find an option labeled Production Protocols. Selecting this option will take you to the production protocols management screen.

Managing Protocols

Creating Protocols

To create a protocol, use the Create Protocol button within the Production Protocol Manager.

Save Time by Duplicating Protocols

To streamline your workflow, consider duplicating existing protocols for similar processes instead of creating new ones from scratch. This can save time and ensure consistency.

Viewing Protocols

Any Protocol will appear within the production protocols table. Click on it and you can view all of the details.

Duplicating Protocols

In the Production Protocols screen, you will see a table listing all the existing protocols. Each row represents a different protocol. To duplicate a protocol, first highlight the protocol you want to copy by clicking on its row.

At the top of the table will be several action buttons, including Duplicate Protocol. Click this button to create a duplicate of the selected protocol. The new protocol will appear in the table; you can edit it.

Tip: Make Protocols Based on Wine Style

Most winemakers only need a handful of protocols to capture the various styles of wines they are making. In some instances, making protocols based on the styles of wine you are making helps reduce the number you need.

Archiving Protocols

To archive a production protocol in Blended, follow these steps:

First, navigate to the Production Protocols section by selecting your winery name from the dropdown menu in the top right corner and choosing Production Protocols from the list.

Next, locate the protocol you want to archive in the table. Highlight the protocol by clicking the checkbox next to its name.

Once the protocol is selected, use the Archive button located above the table to archive the highlighted protocol.

Editing Protocols

To edit an existing protocol in Blended, follow these steps. First, locate the protocol you want to edit from the protocol table. Click on the name of the protocol. This will bring up a details screen showing all the stages and steps within the protocol.

On the details screen, you will see an Edit button at the bottom. Click this button to enable editing mode. You can then modify the stages and steps as needed.

Remember that each stage contains multiple steps. Steps do not need to be completed in order for the wine to move to the next stage. You can add, remove, or adjust the steps within each stage to match your production needs.

Protocol Builder

Stages and Steps

Production protocols in Blended are structured with stages and steps. This allows you to organize and manage your winemaking processes effectively.

Stages in a production protocol are broad categories that help group similar activities. They provide a high-level overview of the winemaking process. For example, you might use stages such as Processing, Fermentation, and Aging. Stages create corresponding dashboards within the Production section to help you keep track of your wines as they progress.

Characteristics of Stages:

Within each stage, you can add any number of steps. Steps are the individual actions or tasks that need to be completed within a stage. They provide the detailed actions necessary to move the wine through the production process.

Types of Steps:

Some steps involve unique workflows, such as bottling or pressing, while complex steps can contain multiple actions within one step. For instance, a composite step called Racking might include a transfer, measurement of free SO2, addition of sulfite, and another transfer.

When creating addition steps, you can preset the quantity calculator by choosing options like amount, concentration, or measurement to ensure accuracy. You can also add instructions or notes to steps for better clarity.

  • Action: For general operations such as destemming and punch-downs

  • Addition: For adding any wine additive

  • Measurement: For analysis or measurements

  • High-level categories

  • Group similar activities

  • Create corresponding dashboards

Start with Key Stages

For new production protocols, it's a good idea to start with the stages Processing, Fermentation, and Aging. You can always add more stages later as needed.

Step Categories

In the protocol builder, you can add various types of steps to your production protocols. Each step type is designed to capture specific actions or data points during winemaking.

  • Action: Use for general operations like destemming and punch-downs.

  • Addition: Use for adding wine additives.

  • Measurement: Use for any analysis or combination of measurements.

Unique Workflows

These steps cover specific winemaking processes and can be used for tasks such as bottling, pressing, saignee, transfer, and topping.

Complex Steps

Composite steps allow you to create a step that contains multiple steps within it. This is useful for executing complex workflows with a single action. For example, a Composite Step named Racking might include transferring, measuring free SO2, adding sulfite, and performing another transfer.

By understanding these different types of steps, you can better customize your production protocols to fit your winemaking process.

Step Categories and Types of Operations






Destemming, Punch-downs


Wine Additive

Yeast, Nutrients



pH, Alcohol content



Final bottling



Pressing grapes



Removing juice from must



Moving wine between vessels



Adding wine to barrels



Multi-step Racking, etc.

Additional Controls

When creating steps within a protocol, there are additional controls that can help customize and streamline the process.

You can preset the quantity calculator for Addition Steps. By choosing Amount, you can set a total addition amount. If you choose Concentration, you can specify a variable addition rate based on the size of the Lot. The Measurement option allows you to specify a target that the addition will seek to hit.

The Repeat option is available if you need to perform a task multiple times within a stage. This makes the icon reusable for the same action.

You can also add Instructions to steps. These notes or instructions can provide detailed guidance on how to complete the step.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • To add steps to a protocol, click on the name of the protocol you want to edit. This will bring up a details screen displaying all Stages and Steps. Use the edit button at the bottom of the screen to add new steps.

  • To edit protocol stages, click on the name of the protocol you want to modify. In the details screen, you can edit each stage by clicking the edit button at the bottom.

  • To archive a protocol, select the protocol from the table and use the archive option in the menu above the table.

  • To duplicate a protocol, highlight the protocol you want to copy in the table and click the duplicate option in the menu above the table.